Return Readers/ Christmas books or Movies

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Well it’s that time of the year again, everything is coming to an end and Christmas is just around the corner.

Next week, Week 7, will be the last week students will take home readers. Could you please ensure your child returns any of their readers to the correct basket by Friday, 30th November, so I can return them to the Library.

Also, from Week 7 our class will start getting into the Christmas spirit- doing a variety of crafts and reading different Christmas stories. As a way to celebrate the Christmas season students are welcome to bring along a Christmas story or a Christmas movie (must be ‘G’ rated and brought in during weeks 8 and 9) to share with the class. The stories will be read throughout the day and the movies will be played over a few days during eating time for lunch or on HOT days, when lunch times are shortened or spent inside.