

Term 4

We will begin Term 4 focusing on Chance. We will then spending a large part of the term exploring Measurement. We will focus specifically on length, capacity and weight. We will then move onto looking at patterns and finish the year off doing revision on a range of areas.

Term 3

During Term 3 the class will begin by exploring fractions, primarily looking at a whole and half. We will then move onto learning about time, focusing specifically on o’clack and half past. We will then explore money, then 2D and 3D shapes. We will finish off the term looking at data and creating graphs from the information collected.

Term 2

This term we have focused on simple addition and subtraction sums. We then moved onto groups of/ rows of/ multiplication. The end of the term will be spent exploring Location and Transformations.

Term 1

We will be spending the rest of the term exploring skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Some students learn things easier through songs. If you click on the below pictures you will be taken to a song which skip counts by that number.



We will be starting the year off by learning/ revising the days of the week and months of the year. We will then spend the remainder of the term focusing on number and place value. This will involve things like counting to and from 100. reading and writing numbers to 100. Ordinal numbers, odd and even numbers, skip counting by 2, 5, and 10. We will end the term looking at patterns with numbers and objects.




Term 4

During Term 4 students will explore the following areas during our Math lessons: Chance, length, capacity, weight, area, location and transformation.

Term 3

We will started the term by continuing to learn about division.

Then we will move onto fractions. We will learn about whole, half, quarters, and eighths.

From here we will focus time and specifically focus on o’clock, half past, quarter past/ to.

We will then explore money. What coins/ notes look like as well as adding up small amounts of money.

We will finish the term collecting data to create graphs.


Term 2

For Maths this term started by exploring 2D and 3D shapes.

We then started focusing on simple addition and subtraction sums. Some students started learning how do tricky addition and subtraction sums with numbers in the hundreds.

We then moved onto multiplication. This concept was introduced by looking at ‘rows of’ as well as repeated addition before the ‘X’ symbol was introduced. We mainly focused on the 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables.

We have finished the term by starting to look at division. We are understanding it as equal groups as well as equally sharing out a certain amount. We will continue exploring division during Week 1 Term 3.


Term 1

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning to skip count by 2, 3, 5, and 10. Below are some songs we listened to as a way to understand how to skip count by those numbers. If you click on the picture you will be taken to that song so your child can listen to the song/s at home.


We will spend a great deal of this term exploring number and place value. This is a very important part of maths to learn because if you do not have a solid understanding of number and place value you will most likely find all other areas of maths challenging.


Term 4

During Term 4 we will be exploring measurement. Students will focus on measuring length, weight, and capacity.

We will also be doing activities around ‘Chance’, such as: what are the chances that it will rain today? will happen, won’t happen, might happen.


Term 3

During Term 3 we will be starting off by exploring fractions. We will explore a range of activities around a whole, a half, equal and unequal halves.

We will then move onto time, specifically focusing on o’clock and half past.

Then we will explore 2D and 3D shapes.

This will follow onto money, data- collecting information and creating graphs. We will finish off the term with activities around location and transformation.

Term 2

During Term 2 we will be exploring simple addition and subtraction with numbers up to 100. We will then move onto patterns with numbers, which will involve skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, and for those who need extending further we will explore skip counting in other numbers. Skip counting will be connected to groups of and for some students this can then get related to times tables. We will finish the term exploring patterns with objects.

Term 1

We will begin the year with exploring number and place value. The Reception students will focus on counting to and from 20 while the Yr 1 students will work on counting to and from 100. For both year levels, we will spend quite a bit of time on the teen numbers as students at this stage can find them challenging, especially remembering the one comes first when writing them.


Term 3

Week 10

Earlier in the week we had a discussion regarding what a Mathematician is. A student let us know it is someone who solves problems and helps to solve problems for the future. We realised we were all mathematicians because we solve problems. I gave the students some sticky notes and asked them to write down all the things they do to solve problems. Once they did this we came togeether to share our ideas, we sorted them into groups, the students came up with headings to put them under and we stuck them onto a large piece of paper. This has been put on display in our room so the students can refer to it when they need to solve a problem. I was blown away with their response, many have shown very deep thinking when explaining what they do when stuck (in “The Pit”) on a problem. It was great to see they don’t simply rely on the teacher to give them the answer, they know there are other strategies they could use first before asking the teacher for help. Below are photos of our poster and their responses. Click on the picture to enlarge it so it is easier to read.














Week 10- Tuesday

Today we began exploring parallel lines. We started by watching a short music clip about parallel lines. After that we looked at shapes that have parallel lines and how many sets they have eg: a square has 2 sets of parallel lines. I have asked the students to start paying attention to things around them, such as outside, in the class, or in their house, to see what things have parallel lines. Tomorrow we will draw and label all the things we noticed.

Below is a link to the music clip we watched today. Click on the picture to view the video.


Week 6

Yesterday during our Maths lesson we worked either by ourselves or in a small group to look at a 3D shape and work out whether it would slide, roll or if it can do both. We then came together to share our findings with the class. As we did this we sorted the shapes into groups called- slide, roll, slide and roll. The students also wrote the name of the shape name under the shape they had worked with. Below is a photo of what we discovered.


Over the last 2 weeks we have been exploring 2D shapes- what they look like, their names, and regular as well as irregular shapes. One shape they particularly enjoyed learning about what a pentadecagon- a 15 sided shape.

We have also explored angles, specifically acute, obtuse and right angles, and where we might see these angles in our everyday lives.

This week we have begun exploring 3D shapes. So far the students have shared what they know about 3D shapes. We have also looked at and named a range of 3D shapes, such as cone, cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism, and pyramid.

Hi everyone! My name is Sonia Caruso, and I have been working as a pre-service teacher in Mrs. Fisher’s class for the past 3 weeks of school. During this time, I have been teaching the students about fractions, focusing on halves, quarters, and eighths. To share the knowledge they have gained, the students created ‘fraction flowers’ which we have stuck up on the walls in the bag room. They add a lot of colour to the room, and the students love having their work on the walls. Feel free to come in and have a look!




Next term we will be exploring:

-Fractions- a whole, half, quarters, eighths; time- o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

-2D and 3D shape.

-Money- describing coins, notes, adding small amounts, working out small amounts of change.

Term 2

Next term we will be exploring addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition and subtraction we will focus on simple and tricky subtraction sums in the hundreds and some in the thousands.

In multiplication we will begin by using the language- groups of and rows of. This will lead onto using the multiplication symbol- X. We will mainly focus on the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.

In division with will begin by using the language- share by. This will lead onto the word divided by, which will then flow onto using the symbol, ÷.

Term 1

This term we have been exploring number. We have been learning about place value, recognising, matching number up to 100 and for some 1000. We have learnt what odd and even numbers are and skip counting in 2, 5, 10 and some have begun learning to skip count in 3 and higher. We have learnt these things via problem solving questions, class room games and activities, individual and whole class activities on Mathletics as well as watch a show called “Number Crew”  and another called “Number Jacks” .

The most recent area in number we have explored is skip counting. Below are some short videos on skip counting, each clip focuses on a different number. The students have not yet watched them but you are welcome to show them to your child to help remind them how to skip count. Click on the picture to take you to the video. If you look on the right hand side of the Youtube screen you will find skip counting videos of other numbers not shown here.

Skip counting by 2


Skip counting by 5


Skip counting by 10


Skip counting by 3


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