
On this page will find the spelling words we are focusing on for the week. Each week there will be 10 spelling words. You will see there are six black words and 4 colourful words. Every student does the black words, then the student do the four coloured words depending on what group they are in. The students will know which group they are in by the beginning of Week 2 Term 1.

Some weeks, the words will be a combination of the sound we are focusing on as well as words they spell wrong in their writing.

Each week we do a range of activities within the class such as Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check (LCSWC), Sounds, colourful words, sentences etc. It is important students don’t just learn how to spell the words but also understand what they mean so they can expand their vocabulary and use new words in their writing.

If you choose to work on these words at home with your child you could play games with them, such as ask them to spell the words while driving in the car, try to find the words while reading a book, ask them to tell you a sentence with one of the words in it.

Students will be given a new list of words each Monday, during the week we will do activities on their words.


Term 3

Term 3, Week 9- term 3 week 9 i_e

Term 3, Week 8- term 3 week 8 au

Term 3, Week 7- term 3 week 7 aw

Term 3, Week 6- term 3 week 6 ur

Term 3, Week 5- term 3 week 5 ir

Term 3, Week 4- term 3 week 4 er

Term 3, Week 3- term 3 week 3 nk

Term 3, Week 2- term 3 week 2 oo

Term 3, Week 1- term 3 week 1 or

Term 2

Term 2, Week 10- This week student will select their own 10 words to focus on for the week. They will be words they regularly spell wrong in their writing.

Term 2, Week 9- term 2 week 9 oy

Term 2, Week 8- term 2 week 8 oi

Term 2, Week 7- term 2 week 7 ou

Term 2, Week 6- term 2 week 6 ew

Term 2, Week 5- term 2 week 5 ee

Term 2, Week 4- term 2 week 4 ow

Term 2, Week 3- term 2 week 3 ll

Term 2, Week 2- term 2 week 2 ea

Term 2, Week 1- term 2 week 1 ay

Term 1

Term 1, Week 11- This week student will select their own 10 words to focus on for the week. They will be words they regularly spell wrong in their writing.

Term 1, Week 10- term 1 week 10 wh

Term 1, Week 9- term 1 week 9 y

Term 1, Week 8- term 1 week 8 ck

Term 1, Week 7- term 1 week 7- qu

Term 1, Week 6- Due to swimming week, we will not be focusing on a sound this week.

Term 1, Week 5- term 1 week 5 ar

Term 1, Week 4- term 1 week 4 th

Term 1, Week 3- term 1 week 3 ch

Click on the link (the red writing) to get the spelling words for the Term 1 Week 2 phonics lessons-  term 1 week 2 sh




Term 4

Term 4, Week 4- term 4 week 4- silent w

Term 4, Week 3- term 4 week 3- silent h

Term 4, Week 2- term 4 week 2- silent k

Term 4, Week 1- term 4 week 1- silent b

Term 3


Term 3, Week 10- Students will create their own list of 10 words based on words they regularly spell incorrect in their writing.

Term 3, Week 9- term 3 week 9- i_e

Term 3, Week 8- term 3 week 8- aw

Term 3, Week 7- term 3 week 7- au

Term 3, Week 6- term 3 week 6- ur

Term 3, Week 5- term 3 week 5- ir

Term 3, Week 4- term 3 week 4- er

Term 3, Week 3- term 3 week 3- nk

Term 3, Week 2- term 3 week 2- oo

Term 3, Week 1- term 3 week 1- or

Term 2

Term 2, Week 10- students will select 10 words they regularly spell wrong in their Literacy books.

Term 2, Week 9- term 2 week 9- oi-

Term 2, Week 8- term 2 week 8- ou

Term 2, Week 7- term 2 week 7- oy

Term 2, Week 6- term 2 week 6- ew

Term 2, Week 5- term 2 week 5- igh

Term 2, Week 4- term 2 week 4- ow

Term 2, Week 3- term 2 week 3- ee

Term 2, Week 2- term 2 week 2- ea

Term 2, Week 1- term 2 week 1- ay

Term 1, Week 11- term 1 week 11- wh

Term 1, Week 10- term 1 week 10- y

Term 1, Week 9- term 1 week 9- ck

Term 1, Week 8- term 1 week 8- ll

Term 1, Week 7- Due to it being a short week as well as Sports Day on Friday there will not be any spelling words this week.

Term 1, Week 6, Due to time restrictions because of swimming this week, we will only be focusing on the 6 black words. Ignore the coloured writing. – term 1 week 6- qu

Term 1, Week 5- term 1 week 5- ar

Term 1, Week 4- term 1 week 4- th

Term 1, Week 3- term 1 week 3- ch

Term 1, Week 2- term 1 week 2- sh





On this page will find the spelling words the Year 1s are focusing on for the week. Each week there will be 10 spelling words. You will  see there are six black words and colourful words, every student does the black words, then the student do the four coloured words depending on what group they are in: Oranges (orange words),  and Grapes (green words). The students will know which group they are in by the beginning of Week 2 Term 1.

Some weeks, the words will be a combination of the sound we are focusing on as well as words they spell wrong in their writing.

Each week we do a range of activities within the class such as Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check (LCSWC), Sounds, colourful words, sentences etc. It is important students don’t just learn how to spell the words but also understand what they mean so they can expand their vocabulary and use new words in their writing.

If you choose to work on these words at home with your child you could play games with them, such as ask them to spell the words while driving in the car, try to find the words while reading a book, ask them to tell you a sentence with one of the words in it.

Students will be given a new list of words each Monday, during the week we will do activities on their words. We will not do a test on the words at the end of the week.

Click on the red writing below to see what the spelling words are for that week.


Term 4

Term 4, Weeks 7- 9: From Week 7 on wards the students will spend Phonics lessons focusing on spelling a range of the first 100 Sight Words.

Term 4, Week 6- Rec- ‘et’ words. Eg: net, bet, let, set, jet, get, met, pet

Year 1- This week we will be focusing on sight words the Year 1 students are still spelling incorrectly in the writing- term 4 week 6- sight words

Term 4, Week 5- Rec- ‘ill’ words. Eg: hill, fill, mill, sill, bill, pill, till

Year 1- term 4 week 5- oa


Term 4, Week 4-Rec- ‘id’ words. Eg: lid, hid, did, kid, rid

Year 1- term 4 week 4- u_e


Term 4, Week 3- Rec- ‘ig’ words. Eg: big, fig, pig, dig, jig, wig

Year 1- term 4 week 3- o_e

Term 4, Week 2- Rec- ‘ib’ words. Eg: bib, fib, nib, rib

Year 1-term 4 week 2- i_e

Term 4, Week 1- Rec- ‘im’ words. Eg:  dim, rim, swim, him

Year 1- term 4 week 1- a_e

Term 3

As the Receptions have finished learning all the foundation Jolly Phonics sounds we will now focus on word families. Each week we will focus on one sound. We will explore different words and do a range of activities around that sound. Below are the sounds we will focus on for the week.


Term 3, Week 10- Both Rec/ Yr 1- All students will be given a list of the first 100 sight words. They will then select 10 sight words from the list to learn how to spell.


Term 3, Week 9- Rec ‘in’ words. Eg: bin, fin, din, win, tin. pin

Year 1- term 3 week 9- ee


Term 3, Week 8- Rec ‘ip’ words. Eg: hip, dip, zip, lip, tip, nip, rip

Year 1- term 3 week 8- aw


Term 3, Week 7- Rec ‘ap’ words. Eg: cap, tap, sap, rap, map, zap, nap, lap

Year 1- term 3 week 7- au


Term 3, Week 6- Rec- ‘an’ words. Eg: can, Dan, Nan, ran, man, fan, pan, van

Year 1- term 3 week 6- ur

Term 3, Week 5- Rec- ‘ag’ words. Eg: rag. bag, tag, sag, wag

Year 1- term 3 week 5- ir


Term 3, Week 4- Rec- ‘ad’ words. Eg: Dad, bad, had, mad, sad, pad, lad, fad

Year 1- term 3 week 4- er


Term 3, Week 3- Rec- ‘ab’ words. Eg: crab, dad, lab, jab, tab

Year 1- term 3 week 3- nk

Term 3, Week 2- Rec- ‘am’ words. Eg: jam, dam, ham

Year 1-  term 3 week 2- al

Term 3, Week 1- Rec- ‘at’ words. Eg: sat, cat, mat

                         Year 1- term 3 week 1- or

Term 2

Term 2, Week 10- Students will select their own 10 words. They need to be Sight Words. On Monday, during our Phonics lesson, the students will be given a big list of Sights Words and they need to select 10 which they can read but have trouble spelling. They will write the words in their LCSWC Books, then do activities with them in their Phonics book.

Term 2, Week 9- term 2 week 9- oy

Term 2, Week 8- term 2 week 8- oi

Term 2, Week 7- term 2 week 7- ou

Term 2, Week 6- term 2 week 6- ew

Term 2, Week 5- term 2 week 5- ow

Term 2, Week 4- term 2 week 4- ow as in o

Term 2, Week 3- term 2 week 3- y=i

Term 2, Week 2- term 2 week 2- ea

Term 2, Week 1- term 2 week 1- ay

Term 1, Week 11- Students will create their own list of 10 words. They will select words they have needed help with in their Literacy Books, Words Books, and/ or any of the words they have found tricky during our Phonics (Spelling) lessons.

Term 1, Week 10- term 1 week 10- wh

Term 1, Week 9- term 1 week 9- y

Term 1, Week 8- term 1 week 8- ck

Term 1, Week 7- term 1 week 7- ll

Term 1, Week 6- term 1 week 6- qu

Term 1, Week 5- term 1 week 5- ar

Term 1, Week 4- term 1 week 4- th

Term 1, Week 3- term 1 week 3- ch

Term 1, Week 2- term 1 week 2- sh


On this page will find the spelling words we are focusing on for the week. Each week there will be 10 spelling words. You will  see there are six black words and colourful words, every student does the black words, then the student does the four coloured words depending on what group they are in: Oranges (orange words), Blueberries (blue words), Grapes (green words), and Strawberries (pink words). The students know which group they are in.

Some weeks, the words will be a combination of the sound we are focusing on as well as words they spell wrong in their writing.

Each week we do a range of activities within the class such as Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check (LCSWC), Sounds, Alphabetical order, Dictionary meanings, sentences etc. It is important students don’t just learn how to spell the words but also understand what they mean so they can expand their vocabulary and use new words in their writing.

If you choose to work on these words at home with your child you could play games with them, such as ask them to spell the words while driving in the car, try to find the words while reading a book, ask them to tell you a sentence with one of the words in it.

Students will be given a new list of words each Monday, during the week we will do activities on their words and on Friday they will be tested on their words. Below you will find the link to the words.


Term 4, Week 7- This week we will be learning about Homophones. We will watch a short video, which will explain what homophones are. We will then create our own list, then each day this week we will do different activities with the words.

Term 4, Week 6- This week we do not have a spelling list. Instead, we will be learning about contractions. We will watch a short video, which will explain what contractions are. We will then create our own list, then each day this week we will do different activities with the words.

Term 4, Week 5- students will select their own 10 words based on words they have found difficult in their Phonics tests or when they do writing tasks. This will be our last week of set spelling words. For our spelling lessons in week 6 we will be learning about contractions. In Week 7 we will look at homophones and in Week 8 we will do activities with Christmas words.

Term 4, Week 4- term-4-week-4-silent-w

Term 4, Week 3- term-4-week-3-silent-h

Term 4, Week 2- term-4-week-2-silent-k

Term 4, Week 1- term-4-week-1-i_e

Term 3, Week 10- As it is the final week of Term 3, students will select their own 10 words. They will select word from either mistakes from their Literacy Books, words they have spelt incorrect in their Spelling tests, and/or words they have asked me to help them spell in therm Word Book.

Term 3, Week 9- term-3-week-9

Term 3, Week 8- term 3 week 8

Term 3, Week 7- term 3 week 7

Term 3, Week 6- term 3 week 6

Term 3, Week 5- term 3 week 5

Term 3, Week 4- term 3 week 4

Term 3, Week 3- term 3 week 3

Term 3, Week 2- term 3 week 2

Term 3, Week 1- term 3 week 1

Term 2, Week 10- term 2 week 10

Term 2, Week 9- term 2 week 9

Term 2, Week 8- term 2 week 8

Term 2, Week 7- As the students do not have school on Monday or Tuesday, there is the Peter Combe incursion on the Wednesday morning and I will not be at school on Thursday as I will be attending a Numeracy PD, we will not have any spelling words for week 7.

Term 2, Week 6- term 2 week 6

Term 2, Week 5- term 2 week 5

Term 2, Week 4- term 2 week 4  – We will not have a test on these words, as I am out of the school on Monday, Thursday is our excursion and Friday is a Pupil Free Day.

Term 2, Week 3- term 2 week 3

Term 2, Week 2- term 2 week 2

Term 2, Week 1- term 2 week 1


Term 1, Week 11- For the last week of the term the students will select their own 10 words on Monday of Week 11. The list will comprise of words they have regularly spelt incorrect in their writing as well as words they have asked me to help them spell in their Word Book.

Term 1, Week 10- term 1 week 10 – As the Friday of Week 10 is Sports Day and I will be away on the Thursday of Week 10, as I will be attending a Numeracy PD, there will be no Spelling Test for Week 10.

Term 1, Week 9- term 1 week 9

Term 1, Week 8- term 1 week 8

Term 1, Week 7- term 1 week 7

Term 1, Week 6- term 1 week 6

Term 1, Week 5- term 1 week 5

Term 1, Week 4- term 1 week 4

Term 1, Week 3- term 1 week 3

Term 1, Week 2- term 1 week 2

2 thoughts on “Spelling

  1. Hi Renee, re:find 4 more words in work books.

    Are we finding qu words? Will the kids be doing this during class?

    Tara & Ethan 😃

    • Hi. The students will be doing this in the class. They do not need to be “qu” words. They can be any words they are spelling incorrectly in the Literacy Book this way they create a spelling list based on words they repeatedly use in their writing and therefore they will hopefully learn how to spell those words correctly.

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